Transportkunde Pandora

Transportkunde Pandora

The study tour committee in cooperation with the Dispuut Transportkunde is organizing a study tour to the land par excellence in technology and engineering: Germany!

On every list of famous German achievements there is lots of mention of engineering and technology products and services. Germany leads the world in many ways with regards to engineering excellence. Ever since the birth of industrialization the nation of Germany has been an innovative force in these areas, and many products bear the ‘made in Germany’ logo. As a whole, products that are made in Germany have a good reputation of being well designed and of good quality. Germany has also led the world through the design of great transportation infrastructures all over the country. A well established high speed train network and the fantastic autobahn network are great examples of German functionality through design and practical engineering excellence.

To us, the study tour committee, Germany was an obvious choice. After study tours to vast and far away countries like America, Canada, Russia and China we thought it was time to go back to basics. The industry in Germany is sophisticated, sustainable and comprehensive, making it still successful and competitive these days.

The study tour will take us through the whole of Germany; north, east, south and west, where we will visit companies in the field of transportation engineering and logistics. In addition we will focus on the German culture upon food and beverage and, of course, nightlife. So interested?, then sign up!

The study tour will take place from Thursday 30 August till Sunday 9 September and will cost approximatly 400 euro.

Your study tour committee:

  • Robbert Dijkstra
  • Marcel de Graaf
  • Timo Kleefstra
  • Sjelle Luijten

[contact-form 22 “Inschrijfformulier studiereis – Germany 2012”]