Coffee break (24-09-14)
Although it might not feel like it, we are already three weeks into the new academic year. About time then to have one of our classic ‘coffee breaks’ to share the experiences of the first few weeks and to have a nice break between class or working on your literature assignment. For the new TEL students, this is also a perfect way to get to know the dispuut a bit better and get familiar with all the things we do throughout the year. Furthermore, we are still looking for enthusiastic students who like to be part of the board this academic year. So in case you are in doubt about applying, this should be an ideal moment to take away all doubt and answer any questions you might have. So drop by our office (34B-2-220) for some well deserved coffee and cookies (and perhaps even some cake!) on Wednesday the 23rd between 12:30 and 13:30.
TBA lunch lecture (23-09-14)
The second lunch lecture of the academic year will be given by TBA on September the 23rd. The goal of TBA is to improve the productivity and efficiency of container terminals using tools like simulation. They are very successful in doing so, since their clients include all the major terminal operators in the world as well as many local ports! Since their expertise fits so well with our field of study, it should be a very exciting lecture for all TEL students. Please make sure to join us next week in lecture hall D between 12:30 and 13:30. Lunch will be provided, but supply is of course limited.
Deerns lunch lecture (16-09-14)
On Tuesday the 16th, Deerns will pay us a visit to give the first lunch lecture of this study year. Deerns is one of the biggest independent engineering consultancy firms in the Netherlands. Although they have many different industries in which they are active, the one that is perhaps the most interesting to us, is their expertise in the field of airport engineering. As a result, the lunch lecture will focus on the design and planning of an airport. The lunch lecture will take place in lecture hall D at 3mE between 12.30 and 13.30. As always, lunch will be provided but the supply is of course limited. We hope to see a lot of you there!
Update: Cancellation Alumni reunion (18-09-14)
Update Monday 15 september 2014 21:00: Unfortunately the Alumni reunion of upcoming Thursday is cancelled due to a disappointing number of registered participants. We are very sorry for this cancellation but a good attendance is the key to a successful reunion. If you do have any questions regarding this message, please contact us via Kind regards, The Board of Stichting Pandora Alumni The Board of Dispuut Transportkunde Pandora ——– On September the 18th, the TEL and PEL alumni will once again return to their Alma Mater for our yearly reunion. This years reunion will not take place at a company, but at the TU Delft itself. Next to catching up and sharing stories, we will also get to listen to a presentation by Wouter Beelaerts, who will be joined by prof. Lodewijks and Hans Veeke. Together they will share their vision regarding the interaction between the university and industry, with a focus on PhD research. The reunion will start at 16.00 in ‘het Lagerhuysch’ and is not only open to alumni but to current students as well! More information, as well as the opportunity to register can be found here.