Transportkunde Pandora

Transportkunde Pandora

Currently, industrial systems are under increasing pressure due to growing demand, competition, lack of space and the environment. Consumers expect industrial systems, with transport and production systems in particular, to be safe, flexible, efficient and reliable. In order to meet these expectations, we need systems with new logistics concepts and organizational structures, as well as new transport equipment. The challenge for our students from Multi-Machine Engineering (MME) lies in the design, development and management of these systems.

As of September 2012, within the master track “Transportation Engineering”, the specializations “Transportation Engineering and Logistics” (TEL) and “Production Engineering and Logistics” (PEL) have been merged into TEL. From 2020, the study program is revised and herewith renamed as Multi-Machine Engineering (MME). This integration and revision has created a solid foundation for a future mechanical engineer. In the track MME you develop the skills necessary to design integrated multi-machine systems, combining science-based methodologies, with state-of-the-art tools, and hands-on lab and industrial case experience. This allows a student to create an overview and improve processes in a goal-oriented way, in logistics as well as in technical areas.

The study program for MME students is as follows:

First year:

Obligatory courses for all ME masters: 17 ECTS

Compulsory courses for the track MME : 29 ECTS

Elective courses (including ethics): 14 ECTS

Obligatory courses all ME Master tracks

Obligatory courses Multi-Machine Engineering

Second year:

Literature Assignment: 10 ECTS

Research Assignment: 15 ECTS

MSc master project: 35 ECTS


This compulsory part of the master takes up around 45 ECTS in the first year. This depends on your chosen courses. The remaining 15 ECTS are electives, which gives the opportunity to give your own interpretation to the master. The second year consists of a literature assignment of 10 ECTS, an individual assignment of 15 ECTS and a graduation assignment of 35 ECTS. The individual assignment can be an internship, a research assignment at the TU Delft or a Joint Interdisciplinary Project. The graduation of our students usually happens in collaboration with companies in the industry. These include logistics multinationals such as the Port of Rotterdam, Post NL, Unilever and Heineken. Another option is to  deepen your knowledge within the section by doing research for TU Delft as a graduation project.

One of the tasks of Dispuut Transportkunde Pandora is to monitor the education and to ensure that quality is guaranteed. To be able to do this, we are in close contact with students and teachers. If you have any complaints and/or comments about the education, please let us know via