Transportkunde Pandora

Analyse van organisatieproblemen
‘Een toepassing van denken in systemen en processen.’ J. in ‘t Veld
analyse van organisatieproblemen


Organisatiestructuur en arbeidsplaats
‘De organisatie van mensen en middelen; theorie en praktijk.’ J. in ‘t Veld


Analysis and design of the production organization H. Bikker
analysis and design


Delft Systems Approach
‘Analysis and Design of Industrial Systems’
Dr. Ir. Hans P.M. Veeke
delft system


Synergetisch produceren
‘Human Resources Mobilisation in de produktie: een inleiding in structuurbouw’
Prof.dr. L.U. de Sitter


Werken met logistiek
‘Op weg naar Supply Chain Management’
Visser & Van Goor
werken met logistiek


The Goal
‘A Process of Ongoing Improvement’
Eliyahu M. Goldratt


Systems Thinking, Systems Practice
‘Includes A 30 Year Retrospective’
Peter Checkland


Manufacturing Resource Planning
‘With an introduction to ERP, SCM and CRM’
K. Sheik


Reorganizing the factory
‘Competing through cellular manufacturing’
Nancy Hyer


Work and organizational psychology
‘An introduction with attitude’
C. Doyle
work orga psyc


Practice of management
P. Drucker


Factory physics


Toyota Production System
‘Beyond large-scale production’
Taiichi Ohno




Lean manufacturing that works
‘Powerful Tools for Dramatically Reducing Waste and Maximizing Profits’
Bill Carreira
lean manu that works


The Synchronized Production System
‘Just-in-time for the entire company’
Hitoshi Takeda
synchronized production


De cockpit van de organisatie
‘Prestatiemanagement met behulp van scorecards’
Leo Kerklaan


Operations management
Nigel Slack


Operational excellence
‘Aanpak, instrumenten en modellen voor een excellente bedrijfsvoering’
Marcel van Assen
operational excellence


The machine that changed the world
‘The story of lean production – Toyota’s secret weapon in the global car wars that is revolutionizing world industry.’
machine changed


Good to Great
‘Why Some Companies Make the Leap…and Others Don’t.’
Jim Collins