Transportkunde Pandora

Lunchlezing TBA

On Monday 5th of march 2018 Zack and Kaj from TBA visited the Faculty of 3me at TU Delft. To give a presentation on TBA and what projects they both work on during their time at the company.

At first, they started talking about TBA in general and giving examples on what type of project they work on. TBA is mostly working on simulations to solve problems and find them before a Container terminal is build. It was very impressive to see how they find problems and the way it was solved. Also, the structure of the project was interested to see. From the start of a simple simulation to a full working terminal was a good example of TBA.

After the lecture it was mentioned that if you are looking for a graduation project with an interest on simulations? Send an email to TBA because there are still looking for students