Transportkunde Pandora

A little while ago a group of about 20 enthusiastic students went on the yearly Germany trip.

The trip started on Thursday morning at 9 AM, when we got on the bus and started driving to the first company, which was a power plant facility which cooperated with Eurosilo. We first got a presentation which showed how the construction of such a huge facility took place and how much power it could generate. After that we got a tour of the plant. Unfortunately it was not running at the time, but the shear size of everything was very impressive nevertheless. After our visit we got back on the bus to drive to Aken, where we would spend the night. Luckily for us it was carnival when we came to visit, so the whole city was filled with fun activities. After a night out on the town we had the morning off to all get a nice breakfast. With all bellies filled we got back on the bus for the second company visit, a brown coal mine. Again we first got a presentation about the company, after which we got a tour of the mine. The mine stretches for multiple square kilometers and is home to the largest vehicles in the world ( in front of which we are posing in the picture ). After this visit we had nothing left to do but go home and reflect on an amazing two days filled with lots of laughs and educative moments.